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A Symbol Of Luxury And Prestige

Pineapples: The Royal Fruit of the 17th Century

A Symbol of Luxury and Prestige

In the 17th century, pineapples were exotic and highly valued items. They were a symbol of luxury and prestige, and were often given as gifts to royalty and other important figures.

A Rare and Expensive Treat

Pineapples were native to South America, and were first brought to Europe by Spanish explorers in the 16th century. However, they were very difficult to grow in Europe, and as a result, they were extremely expensive. A single pineapple could cost as much as a week's wages for a common laborer.

A Gift Fit for a King

One of the most famous pineapples in history was given to King Charles II of England in 1661. The pineapple was a gift from the Governor of Barbados, and it was the first pineapple that the king had ever seen. Charles II was so impressed by the pineapple that he ordered it to be placed on display in the royal palace.

A Symbol of the Tudor and Stuart Era

The pineapple became a popular symbol of the Tudor and Stuart era. It was often depicted in paintings, sculptures, and other works of art. The pineapple also became a popular motif in fashion, and was often used to decorate clothing and accessories.
